Monday, April 28, 2008

What kind of camera should I buy?

I get asked this question CONSTANTLY whenever I'm on assignment or just from friends and relatives. Unfortunately, I usually mumble something like, "unless you are willing to spend at least $1000. on a digital camera, stick with film". This comment isn't meant to be contrite, but my experience is that people get really fed up with shutter speed lag when trying to take pictures of their kids and fido. The moment is generally long gone by the time the shutter actually activates. Couple that with the fact that I REALLY dislike photo equipment, and there are better resources than me to ask about cameras. People see me lugging tons of equipment to a shoot and think that I know everything there is to know about every camera on the market. I shoot professional Canon equipment with professional Profoto lighting equipment. This stuff I know about...I also know most people aren't willing to drop $8,000 on a camera body. If you are, let me know and I will highly recommend what I use. You WILL be happy with the image quality :-)

I heard about this camera on a forum last year and if I were in the market for a point and shoot, I'd take a serious look at this:
Ricoh Caplio GX100 The camera retails for $519.00.

Happy snapping!

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