Monday, March 23, 2009

Rosh Sillars Lecture, Wednesday Night

Pittsburgh ASMP chapter is sponsoring a lecture on March 25th at 6PM with internet social networking expert, Rosh Sillars.  The lecture is open to the public and I have a feeling it should be very interesting.  As of late, I have been spending a large amount of time blogging, Facebooking, networking on LinkedIn and web browsing in general as an attempt to increase my photo assignments and re-connect with former clients, art directors, designers and long lost art school buddies.  It has been fun, exhausting, and interesting all at the same time.  I do have a fear that I may spend too much time doing this, but when you can't get clients to pick up their phone when you call, you have to shift to "Plan B".  I heard last week on a radio news show that for the first time in history, more people are logging on to the internet to check their social sites than are users logging on to check their email.  I'm looking forward to seeing what he has to say and meeting up with fellow Pittsburgh photographers.  Hope to see you there!

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